How to Increase Stamina

                   According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA), running was the fourth most popular fitness activities in 2008. The SGMA ranks the most popular forms or exercise each year, and running consistently ranks in the top five. More and more individuals are discovering the health benefits of running. These benefits may include a healthier cardiovascular system, weight loss, and lower risks for a variety of diseases.

Maximize your running potential by learning how to increase your running time and endurance. Increasing running time and endurance isn't just for fitness buffs or marathon runners. Knowing the running principles behind increasing your personal running time and your running endurance can help you maximize the health benefits of this amazing workout. Start running today!

Easy Steps to Increasing Running Time and Race Endurance

Implement these running tips to quickly and efficiently increase your running time and boost your running endurance. You increase your personal fitness levels and burn more carbohydrates (a great benefit for those interested in losing weight) the longer and faster you run!
First, make sure you have the correct running shoes. You might be tempted to buy cheap shoes at a shoe outlet. While nothing is wrong with shopping at an outlet store or buying cheap shoes, you need to make sure that you are buying good, high-quality running shoes. Shoes should fit well, offer the right amount of arch support and flexibility, and be comfortable. You can seriously injure yourself if you skimp on shoes and cut corners when buying running shoes.
Second, don't jump right into accelerating your personal running time. Going from small runs to long, fast runs without the proper preparation can cause stress fractures and other forms of running injuries. The damage done by running improperly causes more harm than the benefits of increasing your running time and endurance!
Slowly increase the amount of time you run each day rather than multiplying the time you run right off the bat. Gradually increase the distance you run as well as the speed that you run. It is helpful to use a speedometer or pedometer to keep track of your running. Also, write down your running times and distance in a running log in order to track your progress.

While increasing your running time and race endurance, be sure you are modifying your running diet accordingly. You will need to increase the amount of protein and carbohydrates that you consume to fuel your longer, faster runs. Improper dieting can cause your running schedule to faulter and make it much more difficult to achieve your running goals.
Running on the beach can be a great way to increase your running time, as well as increase your running endurace and stamina.


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