Health Benefits of Spinach

Health Benefits of Spinach

Health Benefits of Spinach 1 – Spinach for Eyesight

Spinach is one of the best dietary sources of lutein, which makes it a particularly important food for the promotion of healthy eyesight and the prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration.
A study of 356 individuals having age-related macular degeneration revealed that higher consumption of spinach led to a substantially lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.
Another study has revealed that spinach intake is associated with a lower risk of getting cataracts.
Research has found that higher dietary consumption of vitamin E and lutein and vitamin E is linked to significantly reduced risk of cataract.
Health Benefits of Spinach 2 – Spinach for Cancer
Research has shown that diets high in dark green vegetables like spinach are linked to a reduced risk of several types of cancer. One study has shown that higher consumption of spinach to be associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer. Another study found that one of the antioxidants in spinach slowed prostate cancer in animal as well as human prostate cancer cells.
Scientific study has identified no less than 13 different flavonoid compounds known as methylenedioxyflavonol glucuronides found in spinach which function as anticancer agents.

Nutrients in Spinach
Spinach is a fantastic source of carotenes, vitamin C and K, and folic acid. It’s a great source of magnesium, iron, manganese and vitamin B2. It’s also a very good source of vitamins E, B1 and B6.
History of Spinach
Spinach originally came from ancient Persia and has been cultivated in China and other Asian countries as well as the Middle East for around 2,000 years. Spinach cultivation in Europe began in the eleventh century, when it was introduced into Spain by the Moors.
The Netherlands and the U.S. are currently two of the largest commercial providers of spinach.

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