The process of cooking eggs destroy the
very goodness that our bodies so desperately need as the nature of
proteins and fats is altered when exposed to heat. When cooked, the egg
protein changes its chemical shape; it is often this process that can be
the cause of allergies. Generally when eating raw eggs, any incidence
of egg allergy will disappear.
Weight gain is a major problem in the world today. People who suffer from this condition leave nothing to chance in an attempt to get rid of those excessive pounds. Dietitians, nutritionists and health expert have researched and developed some of the best healthy diets to lose weight.
This is for people who have been categorized as obese and overweight. In other words those with body mass index (BMI) exceeding 25. You can calculate this based on your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height. Here we have put together top 10 healthy diets to lose weight fast.